Leave No Trace Bigfoot

Leave No Trace Bigfoot

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun in Nature

I have been thinking more about all the places to follow the Leave No Trace program. 

It occurred to me that the largest entity which cares for the most land area in the America is the National Park Service.  Our government employs a large amount of people who teach visitors how to appropriately behave in nature. 

How awesome is it that we have so many different options to learn and behave in our world.  I think we are truly blessed to live in America. 

Nature and the National Park Service

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


As this blog has progressed it has taken shape in ways I didn't expect. I thought when I started this little adventure that I would stick with the ideas found within the Leave No Trace Program.  However, I think this more whole lifestyle approach makes more since to me.  I truly believe that you cant act one way one place and not another yet expect that both areas are going to be better overall or in the future.  I am not sure I realized that before I started writing.  Lifestyle is important - regardless of your location. 

Our world seems to be reaching a different phase of its existence.  The weather patterns have changed and in general the changes we are seeing are no longer able to be blamed on perception.  I wonder about the what if aspect of this.  How has manufacturing and technology changed our Earth.  Is it possible that these problems could have been avoided with out those additions?  But more importantly we cannot change the past so do these actions that leave our natural environment the way it is or the better uses of our resources in our town and cities where the natural environment is no longer viewable.  Will the reforestation effort in places where so many trees are already lost be worth the effort or has too much time already passed or will past before the trees are mature? 

There may not be answers to these questions, at least not in our lifetime.  But are you willing to risk not acting in a proactive manner which is reactive to what previous generations actions.  Or more importantly what will our children and grandchildren have to deal with because of our lack of action?

A wide lens is needed within these issues and will need to be tweaked as time goes on to make the situation better.  Not just for us but for generations to come.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It was a Cold and Rainy Night...

Now its a cold rainy and a little snowy day! 

We have a house that is an older home, but still its ours.  We always have some "work" to accomplish on it but its my favorite place to spend time. 

The Front of our home on my birthday in 2012.  What a great kid I have :) 
I have had a long term goal that I have put on the back burner because it seems that living in Kansas we are in a drought.  Big News right?  Well this particular goal is to put on new guttering and install rain barrels.  Seems kind of un-worth it right now, but imagine all the projects I could do with the rain water when we do have it! 

Of course I would totally be the one with solar panels if I could too. 

Today's rain brings me back to all the things that we can do at home that helps our environment and reduces our carbon footprint. 

I found this site a while back Reduce Your Footprint and we have adopted many of the suggestions.  I think there are great ideas through the whole site but that particular page especially struck me. 

This is a great way to calculate how your current actions effect our environment (we used it in a class I took a while back - SO eye opening  My Footprint

So why am i bringing this up on a Leave No Trace blog?  Well Leave No Trace is SO important while in nature, but we are missing a huge part of what we should be doing if our behaviors are only modified or better when in nature.  The bulk of our time is spent at home or at the very least in our community.  It is as important to do what we need to do to help our enviornment even in the places that have already changed - and where we spend the most time. 

Think about it.  Isn't our earth worth it?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Severe Weather Thoughts

With all of the severe weather issues we have had yesterday and today, I have again been thinking about Greensburg.  I remember the night the tornado hit. I had already went to bed and was suddenly awoke to sirens and then more and more sirens.  living as close to the highway as I do made my particular location a prime viewing point for the traffic heading to Greensburg to assist with the destruction that had just occurred.  Kingman is in the middle of Wichita and Greensburg (a little closer to Wichita overall). 

The utter and total destruction was amazing.  My Boy Scout Troop went over several times to assist their  Boy Scout Troop with clean up at their cabin and around town.  It was the most amazing site to come into town with one side completly gone, except some debris and the other corner virtually untouched.

The new Boy Scout and Girl Scout Cabin

However through difficulty an amazing thing has occurred and new things are being showcased worldwide.  A Greentown.  The things they are doing here are wonderful and have amazing effects not only locally but also worldwide.

Checkout their website blog - its amazing:


I am still thinking a lot about personal responsibility.  I am stickler for this as it is, because I truly believe in personal responsibility no matter if it is for your own actions or your own reactions.  However, a lot of this seems to be lost on our kids.  I work a part-time retail job to help with finances as I finish college and I see the amazing difference between the majority or adults and the majority of kids.  It never fails to amaze me how many kids think they need a plastic sack no matter if they have a couple candies or a bottle of soda.  To the point that they get obviously irritated if you dont automatically give them a sack. 

On the surface this seems like its not a big deal.  Maybe they are walking or on their bike.  Maybe they dont have pockets to put their candy in or whatever.  But recently I have been noticing how many adults (usually the ones I dont see with the kids on a normal basis) do not want a sack for the purchases and how aggravated  the kids seem to get over it.  Of course the adult steps back and the kid gets the sack.  Now this particular example could be an illustration of the obvious issue we have where the kid has more to say than the parent does, but truly why miss the educational environmental lesson opportunity? 

What are we as a whole missing in the education of our children on environmental issues?  I realize my example is that of a plastic sack and when I say that it example happens several times a shift it is completely literal.  But I also think back to when pop was a special occasion and to our children they have typically 1-4 minimum a day plus how many waters a day.  The norm is now the plastic bottles to package and sell.  This is a generation who has grown up on going out to eat (complete with all of the take out boxes and throw away drink cups). 

How do we revert to get rid of the wastefulness that we now see as the norm when we have been sold and participate in a throw away society?  How should our education change for our children to fully understand that everyone's actions have consequences and there are responsibilities that need to be followed through on. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Personal Note

As this school year is winding down my life has been filled with those life experiences that are few and far between.  As I get closer to college graduation, which yes is important because I will be the first person in my family to ever graduate college, I find my more excited about my son's mile stones.  He graduates a couple days after I do from high school. 

He has truly broke the mold.  He has not sold himself short in his knowledge and abilities.  He has not had a child during his pre-adult years.  Most importantly he has accomplished a great number of goals, which as we all agree on makes him look AMAZING on paper.  All this while remaining humble and kind. 

Last night was our local prom.  I do have to say that he cleans up nicely.  His "date" for the event was a friend, and I hear they had a great time :)

Personal Responsablity

Since my last post I have thought a lot about the role of personal responsibility in our environment.  It is true that each and every person is needed to build a responsibility and a difference within our world to help our environment, but how do we make each and everyone feel like their actions are worth their time?

Time is a precious thing.  It is the one thing of value that seems to be in short supply for everyone regardless of location or age.  I think that the examples I have used on this blog, mostly found in pictures, illustrate how actions changes our environment over time, but is it enough to illustrate that the time is worth it when it takes to long to be able to show progress. 

Is it truly possible to find the balance between what we have to do and what we should do?  I hope that somehow and someway it becomes a priority to move past surviving and into living for all of us. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Personal ~VS~ World Responsibility

There is a common misconception that one or a few people participating in a program will not make a difference when so many people are not participating.  I understand that.  Its a BIG world and on the micro level it does seem like there is so few things that a person can do to make a difference.  However the biggest changes started as grassroots projects taken on as one or a few people wanted to make a change and knew it was important to do so. 

I think the reality is bigger than the small feelings that one person possesses.  We each have a different point of view and a different way of acting.  Sometimes all it takes is the ability to introduce that different thought or point of view to another person or people to spark an interest that someone may not have realized they had before. 

Yes it may be true that one person may not be able to stop a Forrest from being cut down in Brazil, or strip mining is some third world country, but it is entirely possible that someone knowing that is going on will inform someone else who didn't.  That person who didn't may be in a different place or have new ideas that could apply to "that" topic that will draw bigger attention and could possibly change the situation. 


In the class that I am writing this blog for there have been several influential people highlighted that have taken a variety of topics and approaches to gain attention for their various interested and projects.  If it wasn't for these people then there wouldn't have been a change made. 

Here are a couple of my new favorite people:

Canopy Meg

Rachel Carson

Mena Trott

Yes, changes can be made.